A growing collection of video content and practical tips designed to support your ADHD journey. Featuring both informative resources and relatable experiences, this page offers guidance and strategies that evolve as we discover new helpful content.

Laura Try

Laura Try is one of our clients who has made what we think is a brilliant and insightful video of her experience of being diagnosed with ADHD. We’ve had lots of requests from our clients to put this on our site, which we agree is a great idea!

Our thanks to Laura for choosing us, and for allowing us to share this for the benefit of others.

Dr. James Kustow

Dr James Kustow is one of the country’s leading ADHD experts. He has has kindly agreed to us sharing some of his useful videos here about helping to manage ADHD

ADHD Tips & Strategies

ADHD Tips & Strategies

Understanding The Two Minute Rule

The two-minute rule is quite simple as a concept. It says: If a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it now.

For ADHDers, there is a notable caveat; if it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now - unless it might lead to other tasks. In that case, add it to your list. The two-minute rule is great for getting this quick household tasks and smaller chores completed

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Giving Yourself Dedicated /Focused Work Time

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Focused work time improves concentration and productivity by dedicating specific time blocks to minimise distractions and tackle tasks directly. This structured approach makes large projects more manageable, creates helpful routines, reduces feelings of overwhelm, and minimises procrastination. Knowing you only need to focus for a short period makes starting tasks easier, while completing them boosts motivation and confidence—making focused work time a powerful tool for managing ADHD.

Usage of Noise Reducing Headphones

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Noise-reducing headphones help minimise distractions by blocking background noise in challenging environments, creating a quieter space for individuals with ADHD to focus on work or study. When paired with dedicated work time, they reduce stress and anxiety from overwhelming noise levels, allowing for more efficient work and a greater sense of control and accomplishment. However, be mindful that these headphones might block important signals and prolonged use with loud music could potentially damage hearing.

Using Smart Speakers for Minimal Friction Reminders

Using reminders on smart speakers or assistants can be incredibly helpful, prompting you to complete tasks, remember appointments, or follow daily routines with minimal friction. Setting voice-commanded reminders is quick and easy, helping break tasks into manageable steps and making them less overwhelming. These timely prompts encourage organisation and focus throughout the day, leading to increased productivity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of accomplishment—making smart assistants a convenient tool for managing schedules.

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Master Your Time With The Pomodoro Technique

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The Pomodoro Technique is an excellent strategy for managing time and improving productivity by breaking work into short, focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) followed by brief breaks. This well-recognised method makes tasks more manageable, reduces feelings of overwhelm, and creates a clear structure for staying on track and avoiding distractions. Regular breaks prevent burnout while maintaining high concentration levels, providing a sense of accomplishment after each interval and helping build more disciplined work habits over time—making it easier to tackle even the most challenging tasks.

“At CARE ADHD, we remain committed to improving the lives of our clients in every way possible. Understanding ADHD is a journey, not a destination, and we pledge to continue bringing helpful, practical resources that make a meaningful difference in daily life. Our mission extends beyond treatment—we're dedicated to empowering through knowledge and community.

Bobby Pratap
Deputy CEO