Thank you for choosing CARE ADHD
Important Information
Thank you for your payment for an ADHD assessment.
We usually take 1-2 working days to send out our pre-assessment information (if you've paid at the weekend you’d usually hear from us by Tuesday).
Next Steps
We’re excited to be moving to a brand-new patient portal next week. This portal will send you all your questionnaires and allow you to keep track of your appointment details when it’s booked - we hope you will get a better experience.
We are migrating to our new portal early in week commencing 10 March, so it might take 1 or 2 days longer than usual to get your welcome email to you to start your pre-assessment work. The new portal should help move you through our service much quicker overall.
The good news is that we have plenty of clinic availability, so once you have done your pre-assessment work we can book you in for your assessment quickly.In the meantime, one thing you can do to get started is to obtain your Summary Care Record from your GP (you are legally entitled to request this as it is your record). We need this in order to make an ADHD diagnosis or commence treatment.
We appreciate your patience and we look forward to being able to welcome you next week to get started on your ADHD journey with us.
If you have any questions at all, we encourage you to take a look in our comprehensive Knowledge Base, or click on the blue icon in the bottom right corner of the page to speak with our virtual assistant, Jessica.